After a week, from getting my lidded project from the bisque it all went down hill from there. Only a few hours out of the klim the lid broke after accidently getting knocked of the counter. Luckly we could glue it together. I decided way before I even made the project that I wanted to glaze it with a white glaze. I had to make the glaze as there wasn't any white glaze available.... To make the glaze you have to get two buckets and clean them out. Then you mix four to five cup of white powderd glaze with four to five cup of water in one bucket. Sir, until well blended. Next you have to siff the glaze into the other bucket. Then its ready. I used the white glaze, and it covered the grey cement glue well. I then added a bunch of swirles with blue stain. After the project came out, it looked alright. Then an edge broke off when the extra glaze off the bottom was getting chipped off. Nothing a little glue couldn't fix.
Lidded Right after it came out of the Bisque!

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